Web Scraping Php

Goutte is a PHP web scraping library, as well as web crawling library which is based on the Symfony framework. It provides APIs to crawl web sites and scrape the contents using HTML/XML responses. Goutte is one of the screen scraping and web scraping library for PHP. It provides you a great API to get started. One of the good thing about Goutte is that it’s too simple to use. Everything is ready-made and the complete documentation is available for how to use it. On Scraping in PHP with cURL. In this post, I’ll explain how to do a simple web page extraction in PHP using cURL, the ‘Client URL library’. The curl is a part of libcurl, a library that allows you to connect to servers with many different types of protocols. It supports the http, https and other protocols. This way of getting data from web is more stable with header/cookie/errors process rather than using simple.

Easy web scraping with PHP February 17th, 2008 Web scraping is a technique of web development where you load a web page and 'scrape' the data off the page to be used elsewhere. It's not pretty, but sometimes scraping is the only way to access data or content from a web.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

You may also interested in below Octoparse blogs on PhP and web crawling:

Before getting started, I'll give a quick summary of the web scraping. Web scraping is to extract information from within the HTML of a web page. Web scraping with PHP doesn't make any difference than any other kind of computer languages or web scraping tools, like Octoparse.

This article is to illustrate how a beginner could build a simple web crawler in PHP. If you plan to learn PHP and use it for web scraping, follow the steps below.

Web Crawler in PhP

Step 1.

Add an input box and a submit button to the web page. We can enter the web page address into the input box. Regular Expressions are needed when extracting data.

Step 2.

Regular expressions are needed when extracting data.

function preg_substr($start, $end, $str) // Regular expression


$temp = preg_split($start, $str);

$content = preg_split($end, $temp[1]);

Web Scraping Php Laravel

return $content[0];


Step 3.

String Split is needed when extracting data.

function str_substr($start, $end, $str) // string split


$temp = explode($start, $str, 2);

Web scraping php script

$content = explode($end, $temp[1], 2);

return $content[0];


Step 4.

Add a function to save the content of extraction:

function writelog($str)



$open=fopen('log.txt','a' );




When the content we extracted is inconsistent with what is displayed in the browser, we couldn’t find the correct regular expressions. Here we can open the saved .txt file to find the correct string.

function writelog($str)



$open=fopen('log.txt','a' );




After effects move anchor point. Step 5.

A function would be needed as well if you need to capture pictures.

function getImage($url, $filename=', $dirName, $fileType, $type=0)


if($url '){return false;}

//get the default file name

Rimworld - royalty for mac. $defaultFileName = basename($url);

//file type

$suffix = substr(strrchr($url,'.'), 1);

Web Scraping Using Php

if(!in_array($suffix, $fileType)){

return false;


//set the file name

$filename = $filename ' ? time().rand(0,9).'.'.$suffix : $defaultFileName;

//get remote file resource


$ch = curl_init();

Web Scraping Php Script

$timeout = 5;

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);

Website In Php

$file = curl_exec($ch);





$file = ob_get_contents();



//set file path

$dirName = $dirName.'/'.date('Y', time()).'/'.date('m', time()).'/'.date('d',time()).'/';


mkdir($dirName, 0777, true);


//save file

$res = fopen($dirName.$filename,'a');



return $dirName.$filename;


Step 6.

We will write the code for extraction. Let’s take a web page from Amazon as an example. Enter a product link.

if($_POST[‘URL’]){ Total war™: rome ii - emperor edition crack.


$str = file_get_contents($_POST[‘URL’]);

$str = mb_convert_encoding($str, ‘utf-8’,’iso-8859-1’);


//echo $str;

echo(‘Title:’ . Preg_substr(‘/<span id= “btAsinTitle”[^>}*>/’,’/<Vspan>/$str));



$imgurl=str_substr(‘var imageSrc = “’,’”’,$str);

echo ‘<img src=”’.getImage($imgurl,”,’img’ array(‘jpg’));

Then we can see what we extract. Below is the screenshot.

Web Crawling for Non-coders

You don't need to code a web crawler any more if you have an automatic web crawler.

As mentioned previously, PHP is only a tool that is used in creating a web crawler. Computer languages, like Python and JavaScript, are also good tools for those who are familiar with them. Nowadays, with the development of web-scraping tech, more and more web scraping tools, such as Octoparse, Beautiful Soup, Import.io, and Parsehub, are emerging in multitude. They simplify the process of creating a web crawler.

Take Octoparse Web Scraping Templates as an example, it enables everyone to scrape data using pre-built templates, no more crawler setup, simply enter the keywords to search with and get data instantly.

Artículo en español: Crear un Simple Web Crawler en PHP
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