Adobe Illustrator After Effects


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  • We will be taking a look at how to properly design icons and vector graphics in Illustrator that will be ready for motion design. This tutorial covers the wo.
  • Usually, Adobe Illustrator and After Effects are used together to create powerful and professional quality designs. At times, while creating the artwork, graphic designers need to copy files and paths from Adobe Illustrator to After Effects.

Why Illustrator to After Effects? If you’re looking to animate an image or vector, Illustrator will allow you to break that image up into individual parts so that once you open up After Effects, you’re able to move them around, add expressions, or do whatever you want to those individual objects.

For a recent project I was assigned the responsibility of shooting and editing a short 1 minute promotion for the Technology Engagement Center. Initially I came up with a nifty electric laser title for the piece but it came off as potentially intimidating to the target audience of faculty, staff, and students in the Duke community who aren’t that tech savvy. Instead, it was requested that I take the existing logo and get creative with it. No problem. The initial logo was designed in Adobe Illustrator. It’s a fairly simple and straightforward design with four overlapping hexagons and a title at the bottom.Illustrator works in layers with each element occupying its own layer with a respective transfer mode that affects how that layer interacts visually with the layers beneath it. If the elements were “flattened” into one layer each overlapping region of the hexagons would be its own shape. This wouldn’t do for my application and would also result in my needing to animate seven shapes (three overlapping regions) instead of the initial four. I noted that the layer transfer mode was “Multiply” with the color of the topmost layer multiplying the color values of the layer beneath it. This comes in handy later so note this in your own projects if you copy this workflow! The next step after noting the characteristics of the logo was to export for After Effects. I exported each layer separately.

I exported utilizing the PSD export option as that option yields the option to utilize layers. You could export separate PNGs but I know that After Effects handles PSD files fine. You must use CMYK and check “write layers” as an option. The other settings were fine. Now it’s time to open Adobe After Effects!

I created a new comp in After Effects that reflected the size of the video that I’m using: 1280 x 720. I then imported my Photoshop layers into the project panel then dragged them down into the comp. Each layer popped up perfectly sized and in position. Now it was time to animate. This was quite honestly the easiest part but it can be more complicated based on what you do. I had five layers. One for each hexagon and one layer for the text which I decided to animate as one object.

First I changed my transfer mode for the hexagon layers to multiply to copy the same visual effect that existed in the Illustrator file. Told you that information was going to be handy!

I left the bottom text layer and hexagon layer modes as normal as there was no need for them to interact with anything behind them. I wanted to give the illusion of a “fly in” effect so I created position and size key-frames for each hexagon about 3 seconds in. I then went to the beginning of the comp and enlarged each heaxagon significantly and moved them off screen with each hexagon going to a different quadrant of the screen. Four hexagons. Four quadrants. Simple.

Lastly I did a horizontal blur and opacity fade in on the bottom text layer to bring in the text. Euro truck simulator 2 essentials for mac. Here’s the result in animated GIF format.

That’s it! The entire process (assuming that your files aren’t flattened and too complex) took only about 30 minutes from start to finish. Given you can get as complex as you like with your logos when you get them into After Effects, but the process is still the same and straightforward. Try it out and let me know how it works out for you!

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Designing your own motion graphic assets makes your animation unique. Here’s how to easily create After Effects assets in Adobe Illustrator.

We’ll start by creating everything in AdobeIllustrator and then moving it all into AfterEffects. The beauty of creating in Illustrator is that the elements are vector based, so we can scale them as needed once we bring them into AfterEffects. The most important thing to keep in mind here is that we will be working in layers. It’s very easy to go straight to creating once you open Illustrator — and that will put everything on a single layer.

Drawing the Asset in Illustrator

The reason we are creating different elements on separate layers is because each layer, when imported into AfterEffects, will become its own layer in the composition and can be animated individually. If all of the elements were made on one layer in Illustrator, they will all merge together in AfterEffects, essentially being no different than a still image.

First, create a new document (File -> New). You’ll want to set the resolution to the same size that your AfterEffects comp will be. For this example, I’ll go with 1920×1080. Be sure your color mode is set to RGB.

Now we can begin creating. I will be creating a set of animation icons and want my final animation to take place on a bubble, so I’ll create that first in the bottom (currently the only) layer. Notice that I’ve named the layer — whatever you name the layer in Illustrator is what the layer will be named in AfterEffects.

It’s very important to keep things organized as you create; you don’t want to get forced into a distracting game of Where’s Waldo with your layers.

I’ve created a new layer for the person icon I drew at the bottom (aptly named “GuyAtBottom”). This will allow me to animate the “Bubble-BG” and “GuyAtBottom” layers independently when I bring this into AfterEffects.

For the next icon, I have a chat bubble with four circles in it. I want the chat bubble itself to animate on the screen. Then, after the chat bubble is completely on the screen, I want the little circles inside it to animate on one at a time. In this situation, I need to put the bubble and each circle within it on their own layers.

We’ve only got two little icons and a simple circle background, but we’re already at seven layers. This is why it’s important to label as you go and not come back to do that afterwards. Not labeling your layers properly is why we can’t have nice things.

For the third icon, I have four buildings that I want to animate individually as if they’re growing out of the ground. But while I was creating them, I got too excited and forgot to put them on their own layers.

Adobe After Effects Templates

Easily fixable — just create a new layer for each building so you can separate them. Then select the second building only (the first building will stay on our current layer).

Now, hit cmd-x (Mac) or ctrl-x (PC) to cut the building. Select the new layer you created for the second building. With that layer selected, hit cmd-shift-v (Mac) or ctrl-shift-v (PC).

This does what’s called a ‘paste in place,’ which pastes whatever you’ve cut or copied in the exact same place that you cut or copied it from. However, since we had the new layer selected, the building was pasted onto the new layer instead. Now we can separate the other buildings as well.

I’ve now separated the towers. I also went ahead and created a few extra icons that I want to animate in AfterEffects using the same technique. Time to bring this into AfterEffects. To save your project, simply hit cmd+S on a Mac or ctrl+S on a PC.

Importing the Asset Into After Effects

Once you have AfterEffects and your project open, go to File -> Import -> Files.

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When the dialog box pops up, select your Illustratorprojectfile. At the bottom of the dialog box, be sure you tell it to import as “Composition – Retain Layer Sizes.” This tells AfterEffects that you want to work with your layers and to keep the bounding box at the edges of the layer and not at the edges of the entire comp. If you imported it as footage, it would merge all of your layers together.

Now that the Illustratorproject is successfully imported into AfterEffects, you can see that a comp has been created for us. When you open that comp, you can see that all of your layers are there from Illustrator. Also, the individual layers can be found in the project tab and used elsewhere within your animation.

Pro Tip: If you’re working in AfterEffects and notice that the shape of one of your icons (or whatever you’re making) is off, you can go back into Illustrator, fix the shape, and save the project like normal. When you alt-tab back to AfterEffects, the change will take effect without messing up your animation. Just be sure that you don’t MOVE the asset in illustrator; this could throw your animation off.

Since I made each asset on its own layer, I can change the color of each. added a slight drop shadow to the circle, and animated each layer as I saw fit.

Adobe Illustrator Vs After Effects

Next time you have a motion graphic you need to get done quickly, use this technique to see exactly what it’s going to look like on the final frame. Visual studio unity download. You can show the client a near-final looking still frame without losing valuable animating time.

If they decide to change one of the icons (or whatever you’re making), you can replace the content in that layer in Illustrator and all of the animation keyframes and attributes you’ve applied to the layer in AfterEffects will still be there, but with the new icon!

Want to learn more about animating in After Effects? Check out our 15 After Effects Tutorials Every Motion Designer Needs to Watch post here on PremiumBeat.