LLC “RK-Grand” – is one of the biggest production sites of the pulp and paper industry in the Republic of Karelia. For almost a hundred years, in accordance with the requirements of our time, the plant has been developing production technology for special pulp types that have a broad range of applications in different industries, as well as for such products of forest chemistry as tall.

'We are so proud of our contractors! We can only change an industry if we pick the right people to be a part of our organization and monitor their actions. We can’t guarantee that you will have the perfect experience every time, because anything can happen in this world, but we promise that the final product will be quality and the contractor will be held accountable to deliver as promised. If the contractor fails to do what they were contracted to do, then WE will pay up to $10,000 out of our own pockets to fix the issue. We believe this is the TRUE example of ACCOUNTABILITY and RESPONSIBILITY!'
When you see a 'Good' logo on vehicles and company websites, you can rest assured that they are safe to hire!
Grand Staff Print Out

Grand Staff With All Notes
Mar 15, 2021 The preseason rankings for Season C football are out. The rankings, voted upon by coaches, are the official polls of the Association. Polls are released each Monday. “Dearest RK Group, compliments to your chef, wait staff, bartenders and set and take down crews for a seamless event. Comments include: The BEST wedding and reception EVER, unbelievable, spectacular, amazing, awesome the raves go on an on. What a gift to have you all. RK Management Consultants, Inc. (RKMC) is an information technology services provider that specializes in planning, managing and implementing technology driven business solutions. Founded in 1988 by technical professionals with over 30 years of experience in the IT industry, RKMC is a globally recognized leader in the IT consulting arena.