If you are paid to paint, your waste paint and wash water is “trade waste” and you should be using a commercial system to suit your needs, current options are:
Featuring a flow-through brush, the G202 Paint Gun Washer is ideal for cleaning EITHER solvent or water-based paint from spray guns, cups, and other painting accessories. With the ability to clean 2 guns & 2 cups automatically in one minute, the G202 is 100% air operated. A small paint brush works great for this, as it fits well in the paint cup, and the bristles can reach into places your fingers would never get to. Interdental Brush Along the same lines as the “Small Paint Brush” an interdental brush shines when it comes to cleaning out the nozzle, and other very small orifices.
(Click on the business name for further details)
- Contained wash system – contact:
- Trade waste Licence - Contact your local council, in Christchurch: CCC tradewaste
- Clean up centre & wash water drop off point (available in Christchurch only) contact: Mainland Paints 03 3381312
Almax Industries
Dulux 0800 800 424
Resene 0800 737 363
RST environmental solutions 0800 425 655
Wattyl 0800 WATTYL
Advice for solvent-based paints:
Please read the Guidlines for the management of lead based paint ( Management of Lead Based Paint).
Example clean up method:
- Remove excess paint from brushes & equipment.
- Use solvents to wash equipment (2 container method).
- Seal containers and allow the first container at least 24 hours to settle.
- Decant solvents from 1st into 2nd container, seal and keep for future use.
- Allow sludge/solids in 1st container to dry out in a safe place and dispose in waste.
- Contact a WasteMinz Operator to dispose of all used/surplus solvents.
Cans and containers
- Steel paint cans are recyclable but must be clean and dry.
- Plastic & metal containers (with the paint scraped out) are also recyclable – check with your transfer station or paint supplier to see if they will take them (Major paint suppliers have a take back system – as in store)
- Empty aerosol cans may be recycled or disposed of as general rubbish.
- Always use solvents in the open or a well-ventilated area, well away from drains, gutters and waterways.
- Use the smallest container and the least amount of solvent you can.
*PLEASE DO NOT pour paint or paint wash water into gutters, drains or stormwater sumps. Codecademy python cheat sheet.
Bedrock server. It’s bad for the environment, kills fish & insects and you could be fined or taken to court.

Useful information:
Trade Painters brochure (3.5 MB)
Ezyclean Paint wash station (287 KB)
Open this link for registered liquid waste
handlers if you need paint wash water removed
from your site:
Paint Brush Cleaning Station
(e.g. no trade waste connection available or system is only a holding tank)Airbrush Paint Station
Liquid and Hazardous Waste for a list of code compliant operators who will provide you with a waste track receipt and ensure your waste is disposed of correctly.
Paint Brush Cleaning Station Plans
For general waste disposal enquiries go to the WasteMINZ website:http://www.wasteminz.org.nz/
Or contact your local council:
Christchurch Council
Waimakariri Council
Selwyn Council