
In the Colorado Senate an amendment to defund Planned Parenthood was attched to the budget bill. While this is always a controversial issue, it has long been an issue conservatives unite around. Every Republican man in the Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and every Republican woman in the senate voted against defunding Planned Parenthood.

Mark notess

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MarkNote for mac, MarkNote for iOS and MarkNote for web will share the same iCloud data. Learn more about the differences among the editions. Learn more about the features. MR GEORGE GODWIN, editor of the Builder, has justly claimed that in early days he noticed the fact, now well known, but not so then, that the stones of many old churches bore peculiar marks, the work of the original builders; and that, so long ago as 1841, he submitted a communication on the subject to the Society of Antiquaries, which, with a second memoir on the same subject, and transcripts.

Mark Notestine

The Senate Minority Leader made a bad call on this one. As Minority Leader it is your job to know how your caucus members will vote especially on an issue like abortion. It is one thing to upset Democrats, but to lose credibility by upsetting even Republican women.In the Colorado Senate an amendment to defund Planned Parenthood was attched to the budget bill. While this is always a controversial issue, it has long been an issue conservatives unite around. Every Republican man in the Senate voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and every Republican woman in the senate voted against defunding Planned Parenthood.

Marc Notes Field

The Senate Minority Leader made a bad call on this one. As Minority Leader it is your job to know how your caucus members will vote especially on an issue like abortion. It is one thing to upset Democrats, but to lose credibility by upsetting even Republican women.