

  1. BlueTail Technologies specializes in the design and manufacturing of RF electronics. Our premier product is the stand-Alone P25RX Digital Police Receiver with Bluetooth Audio Support. The P25RX is not an old school police scanner! The P25RX uses a P25 Phase-1 Control Channel to automatically follow conversations.
  2. At Bluetail Medical Group, we offer facial rejuvenation utilizing your own healing and regenerative cells.
  3. Bluetail gives you everything you need to digitally store, search and share aircraft records. With Bluetail, you’ll be able to quickly and easily upload, organize, search, share, and print all of the most important information for your aircraft or fleet— from anywhere, from.


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- May 21, 2020, 12:17 PM
Bluetail, which officially launched today, will help operators digitize their paper records and will add features and functionality in time.

After leaving ProFlight, the business aviation training company where he ran business development and helped sell to Tru Simulation + Training in 2014, Stuart Illian researched potential startups and found an untapped opportunity in digital records for business aircraft. Illian partnered with Roberto Guerrieri, a friend from when they both worked for Apple, and the result was a new company called Bluetail, which officially launched today.

Digitizing aircraft records is nothing new, but Bluetail is aiming at much more than simply making copies of aircraft logbooks. As the duo began to work more than a year ago on creating Bluetail, said Illian, “We saw potential beyond the basic-use cases. We started with a smaller idea but the more we got into this, now that we have a few customers and talking to partners, we see a larger potential with tools like document scanning and retrieval, organization, and compliance.”

Bluetail is designed to be a “next-generation, back-to-birth, digitized aircraft records management system,” according to the company, with a key goal of preservation of the value of the aircraft. Added Illian, “Our customer research is telling us that owners and operators want to now, more than ever, accelerate the move away from paper. They need a digital hub to safely keep, organize, and share aircraft logbooks, supporting records, manuals, and much more.”


Guerrieri spent years in the health records business and when he and Illian started working together, he saw similar trends in business aviation, with records moving from paper to digital formats. “Our vision is taking static, dormant data from paper to digital to make the records actionable for compliance and curation.”


Customers can search across documents from any browser software or device. But Bluetail has created additional functionality. One example is a timeline view of the lifetime of the aircraft. This shows, from as far back as the records go, every event that has occurred, from airworthiness directive and service bulletin compliance to inspections and repairs, upgrades, and engine changes, among others.


Bluetail will add further improvements, including using artificial intelligence “to make documents visual and actionable,” Guerrieri said. The company also plans integration with other companies’ software, including maintenance-tracking and other value='Business Aviation'>